About This Game First and foremost, this game is an experiment in coding a software renderer. It's an engine that renders the image via CPU, without involving the graphics adapter, much like the 90's games did. I wanted to find out if it's possible to code an engine like that from scratch nowadays, and if it can run at 60 FPS on a modern PC. It was a self-imposed challenge. Once I finished the engine, I thought I could make a game with it, an FPS like the early shooters from the 90's. I have to say I was quite impressed with them back in the day, and I've been looking to recreate them for a long time. Thus, this game is a 90's FPS. A simplistic story takes a backseat to pure run-and-gun gameplay. On graphics and visuals: I was creating the visuals based on the imagery from my dreams. I tried to convey the mood and atmosphere of my dreams through level design. I feel like I did a particularly good job on this aspect. I'd be happy to hear some feedback from you on my humble little game! 6d5b4406ea Title: Autumn Night 3D ShooterGenre: Action, IndieDeveloper:Sergey BobrovPublisher:Sergey BobrovRelease Date: 9 May, 2017 Autumn Night 3D Shooter Activation Code autumn night 3d shooter download. autumn night 3d shooter download. autumn night 3d shooter. autumn night 3d shooter. autumn night 3d shooter download. autumn night 3d shooter Love the style. It's very hard though, I wish there was some save\/load mechanism, but on the other hand it's very intense right now.. A respectible "Experiment" but a full fleged game with a price tag this is notThe game still drops frames and lacks many basic features a game should haveI think this was a missed opportunity to make a game with a real classic styleMaybe release it as Early Access and build upon the software renderer and contentInstead it seems to be a proof of concept with placeholder sound effects. For a quick gameplay review here's a video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjGOc7AbnNY To be honest i really like the game its entertaining and usually i dont like games like this. But this game had depth, intresting settigns, and enough clues for you to figure things out without babysitting you every step of the way. However theresa few glitchy bugs here and there and the interface when respawning could be a little easier but other than that im enjoying it.. Graphics-Solid and consitent. Not some half\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665pixel art used soley because it was easy to doMusic- Awesome, though all sounds lack "punch"; they all feel weak.Gameplay-Solid shooter in a set map with tons of baddiesUI-The Ui is unintutitive and bland. Could use some touch ups.Polish- Its okay, could use some work. For example, a "you died" screen rather than just sinking to the floor.Notes: Could really use a save function. If maps were slightly varied each time it would make me want to try it again and again, but as it stands, doing the same thing over and over can get boring.. I like the oldschool feel, music, graphics and the general magic\/demons\/autumn theme of the game. However, it is flawed and there are a lot of things that could be improved. TL;DR: I'm giving thumbs up mostly out of respect for the author, who made it pretty much himself and because I believe this game has potential and could be improved by adding more content and some polishing. If you don't care about supporting indie devs and you demand a high quality product - do not buy, you will most likely be disappointed.Now for the things that need improvement:- First of all, performance is just abysmal. Game lags noticeably on GTX970, with no reason, given its graphics.- It's very, very short. Shareware releases back in the day offered more playtime than this game. There are only 4 levels and the whole game can be completed under 30 minutes.- There are only 5 weapons, 2 of which are only accessible through some pretty non-intuitive secrets. I suppose the small number is appropriate given the shortness of a whole game, but they also don't feel too great to use.- Level design is rather simplistic and uninspired.- Some usability improvements in menu would be great. Customizable keys, volume sliders, fov in degrees, proper save\/load features.In the current state (October 2017) it's more like a demo than a finished product. I wholeheartedly encourage the author to spend more time working on it.. Upside: Pr\u00e4sentation is good it develops a mood quickly and the engine works solid. Movement is good, i never got stuck. Some of the enemies have interesting behaviour.Downside:Bad balancing makes into bad gameplay. Another single developer is his own best gametester.Levels are crowdet with bullet-spongy enmies but the weapons are underpowered.Still the game intends you to go in the middle of the action with only limit range weaponsand temporary kill - damage bonus. That would be neat, if the weapons could deliver a punch.Each ammo pickup refills 100% ??? So you are forced to avoid them or waste alot.It does not help that you are expected to do a 100% cleanup job to leave the level.Theres a lot of potntial so i hope there will go some more balancing into it.. Autumn Night 3D shooter is a great old-school game. The level design is okay. The weapons are varied, every single one feels different. The secrets are well-hidden and rewarding (you get a new weapon). The plot is almost non-existent, but I would argue that shooter like this doesn't really need one. The graphics is great like always in Sergey Bobrov's games. Overall, I think that, if you like 3d shooters, you should definitely try this one out.. needs to have a feature that allows us to save between levels, with death being permanent and forcing the save file to delete or start over. i enjoy this game, but was disappointed to make it to level 3 and then be forced to quit (have to go to work) without having the option to pick up where i left off when i get home.if you're a devil daggers fan then you will need this in your library. it's extremely challenging and fun as hell.also, devs, you guys should just call it Autumn Night and take 3d shooter out of the title. This game LOOKS like a fun, old-school, Doom\/Wolf3D-type shooter, but it suffers from numerous minor issues to the point where... it just makes me wanna go play the original Doom instead. I only played for about 10 minutes and came across ALL of the following issues:* Music volume WAY quieter than the sound effects with no way to change it* Framerate issues (I have a GTX 1070 card! How is that NOT enough?!)* Rather poor field of view (you can adjust it but not enough to feel right)* Cannot customize controls* No ammoless weapon; if you run out of ammo you're defenceless!* No actual ammo counter, just gems which change form as ammo is used up* No automap* Wide open maps without the design\/charm of old Doom\/Wolf3D maps* Crosshair is a lie; your shots always hit below the crosshair, not centred* Cannot adjust options mid-game; have to quit to change options* Cannot loop menu cursor past the top or bottom of the menuYeah, they're all minor issues... but there's SO many of them... and again, it only took 10 minutes to encounter ALL of these... x_x;. The mechanics of an old fps without any of the design. Bland open environments with arbitrary clusters of enemies, which respawn a few times per level as you collect weapons. It's full of baffling design choices like Doom's charging Demon's equivalent being a tiny figure muted against the background, with a passive attack pattern: grunt, charge, stand around. I found myself comically looking around after a grunt trying to find them. Nothing special, certainly no Doom let alone Heretic/Hexen, but fun enough, I suppose.
Autumn Night 3D Shooter Activation Code
Updated: Mar 25, 2020